Friday, 6 April 2007

the hypocrisy of it all....

so...ever since i started going to school at the wee age of 2.5 years, my teachers and those around me have told me that i live in a secular nation - that religion has no place in government and blah blah blah...

as a non-religious person, i've always loved the idea of living in a secular country - seriously, politics without god/gods is less-screwd than politics with god/gods...i have nothing against religions and religion and people who profess to them - i just dont think it makes good political sense to incorporate it into government...

so, i'm kinda upset right now...because it's Good Friday and Easter Monday this week...and it's a national come'on seriously...this is totally shattering my notion of secularism in Canada...

if we can have a national holiday for Easter, why can't we have one for Eid (both of them), Vesak, Diwali, why don't we observe Sabbath???

secularism and national holiday for Easter...ahh..the hypocrisy of it all...

that's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and be born again first you must die



Anonymous said...

you hear they're [I have no idea who they are, whoever deals with these sorts of things] considering making Chinese New Year a STAT holiday because there isn't one from January to now?

That would be STRANGE haha...


NaBz said...

lol...that would be amusing..

what about norooz? that's a new year..and day of muharram? hmmmm...

geronimo said...

More holidays is the agenda? :-) Where do you draw the line?

NaBz said...

although more holidays would be awesome...i dont think it should/would happen..

therefore..i say we scrap all the religious holidays and find ones that are secular..

no more christmas
no more easter

how about Charter day? that's more important to most ppl than easter..