Friday, 5 November 2010

We're Not Texting In My Dreams Anymore; I Think That's a Good Thing

But we are talking. I've had a few dreams starring you, of late.

Last night's was amusing. You asked me my worth. I didn't respond. You said, "Well, you know. I could get married to a beauty pageant winner. I think my parents are looking for one for me."

I'm assuming I'm not a beauty pageant winner. Heck, I don't even want to be one (unless I can be Sushmita Sen). 

And thus concludes another random post on Selfistan...ya'll probably think I'm crazy. As they say in Spanish...

yo soy todo loco...


1 comment:

Rehan Qayoom said...

I recently dreamt of asking someone "If I had proposed to you all those years ago, what would you have said?" She said "I would have said "No." In another I was asked by my Shaykh "Are you still a tutor to the Faylasuf?"