Friday, 5 November 2010

Back to the Grind

After a week of sleeping, eating, bothering my parents with my incessant ramblings, drinking litres of tea, sleeping and eating, it's time to head back to the City. I'm semi-glad to be going back (I love the City life) but am dreading this upcoming week. It'll be fantastic to see the Lucknow crew again, but I wish the occasion weren't so horrible and I didn't have so much work to catch-up on.

Still wondering why He chose you to leave us. It's not fair...

RIP Sparkly Eyes...

(Wonderful dreams last night - an amazing rendition of 'hor ki mangna' by an aunt who normally is a horrible singer, teaching a kid a lesson with some cream-puffs, and then waking up with 'tum ik gorakhdhanda' in my head...I think it's all because of the light streaming in through my windows. I've always slept in rooms with windows facing East and am so used to waking up to light. This new bedroom of mine is a bit dark for my taste - maybe that's why I'm having sleep issues...hmmm)

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