Monday, 15 November 2010

How to Not Understand People - Part One

I was having dinner with friends yesterday, when one asked what was new in my life since the last time I had seen him. I announced, not dramatically (and without any regret) that I had come to the decision not to drink hard liquor until further notice (1 January 2011 is the date I've set for now). He was amazed. And a tad bit shocked, as well. For a couple moments he couldn't process it, and then he said, "Wow. That must take a tonne of willpower."

To which I responded, a bit annoyed at this point, "Willpower? What's willpower got to do with it? It's been pretty easy so far."

And he said, "Ya. It's that time of the year and you haven't been going out for a while either."

I laughed. Obviously, he has no idea what's been going on in my world. So I said, "Uh. Actually...I went out Friday night and went to a party and got home at 5am last night."

He didn't say anything.

I don't get it. Especially that thing about willpower. Maybe it's rational-me coming out again (another of us Aquarians' curse), but I always thought that  you stop things when they start screwing you over. Given the shyt (landmark - first time I'm swearing on RFS, I think) going on in my life - and trust me, it's shyt - I don't want to do things that have the potential to screw me over even more. Life is hard enough as it is...

On another note: If any of you are fond of wine, I'd never had a Soave before but tried it at a wonderful restaurant (New Yorkers, go here if you haven't already) a couple nights ago. If you come across it, try it. It reminded me of a Riesling but less sweet, and perfect with a light salad and pizza...

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