Saturday, 13 March 2010

Thought du Jour

I haven't written much of note in the past little while. As you may have noticed, if you've been reading RFS for long enough, my rate of blogging varies considerably. At times, I'll blog multiple times in a week; at others, I won't blog for weeks. Then there are those times, during which I'll blog about issues that seem not only inconsequential, but also unimportant. Emphasis on seem.

I guess, I haven't been doing much thinking outside of the world of academia these days. It's not that I don't have significant issues to deal with, I do, but I just haven't been inspired to actually think them through in a manner that's conducive to writing on RFS. Let's just say that a lot of what is going through my head, and my life, is stuff I want to keep out of the realm of RFS. That being said, if I'm able to write about them in a way that is cryptic (i.e. complex and odd) enough to not be completely understood by those involved in the various issues of my life (censorship - yes), then I may post about them here. Candy dreams, is one such post.

Today, I had a bit of a thought explosion. It was quite grand - or seemed grand in my head, at least. I realized the following. Take what you may from it. It started off while I was thinking about the number of languages I know, and how I'm not actually completely fluent in all of them (which is a shame), and how my fantastic Urdu professor once told the class that, apart from those in extraordinary circumstances, multilingual people will never be truly fluent in any of their known-languages as one who only knows a single language. Oh polylingualism...sigh.

And then the thought expanded to my multiculturality -and this issue of identity that I've always grappled with.

Anyway - so at the end of the thought process, this is what emerged.

In my multiplicity is my nonexistence...

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