Sunday, 25 November 2007

The Importance of Thumbs

Realization of the day: thumbs are actually quite important - and you only realize their importance after you lose the use of one

so i have this mug - in which i drink my tea. it's my favourite mug - has elephants all along the edge. i love elephants.

so one day, my mug's handle chipped - and because it was the handle and not the mouth or anything else, i decided to keep on using the mug. and it's been completely fine.

i had my tea yesterday - so i washed my mug. and then i was drying it - and i cut my thumb (quite deep actually) with the chipped part. so now i can't use my right thumb...

which is really annoying - it's hard to hold a spoon, to use a knife, to do up buttons, heck to even write.

ahhh thumbs...

1 comment:

Unwinding Hours said...

Hi! Hope the 'all important thumb' regains normalcy soon. Worst will be if you cook and have to use your THUMB and Index finger to add spices! Ask me, I had one such experience :-)