Thursday, 3 March 2011

Hello from Thesis-Land

Dear Readers, Stumble-Uponers, Fellow Bloggerers, Randoms and Others,

My sincere and heartfelt apologies for the lack of new material on RFS. Two years of graduate school are coming to a close and, as such, I'm in the midst of putting the final touches on my research and preparing my thesis for submission. While my research has certainly unearthed some beautiful gems that should find rest (qaraar) on RFS, including a Hindu nationalist's rationale for why Indians should not refer to their mothers as 'mummy,' at this point, I don't have the time to elucidate my various thoughts in more than 140 characters.

As such, do follow me on mind-ful/less Twitter if you are so inclined. I promise that I'll be back, eventually. Whether that means after my thesis defence (mid-April) or once I graduate from this lofty institution is still up in the air.

Until then, and as always, remember - to be born again, first you must die.


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