Sunday, 7 November 2010

If I May...

It's not my place to give advice to people, I have enough issues of my own and am still too young to be doling out advice, but here's one thing that I hope everyone who comes across this blog follows.

If you are fortunate enough to have people in your life who are worth thousands of others, make sure you understand their worth before it's too late. And if you ever come to this realization while you're about to do something of which they don't necessarily approve, stop immediately, and tell them you've stopped - even if it means running back to where they are and fighting with them to listen to you.

Hope you are all blessed with wonderful friends and the ability to recognize them. And then tell them.

Yes, I'm an emotional person. It just doesn't come out too often. Call it the Aquarius' "curse," if you will.


PS: On another note, byebye whiskey-love and vodka-nasha. It was good being with you, but we're through until the New Year.


canadiandesi said...

Wow... really good advice. Nice to see you writing something like this. May I quote this elsewhere?

NaBz said...

Go ahead...but leave my name out of it :)