Tuesday, 11 May 2010

A Housewife During Exams...

It's quite amusing actually. My internal housewife leaps out of its shell when I have exams to study for and papers to write - well, it comes out then, and when I have people over. But, back to the topic before I digress even further. My place is usually clean - a bit messy because of the lack of storage space, but clean nonetheless. I don't like living in dirt, so I make sure I clean up after myself. Also, the one time I left food on the counter, I was visited by a not-so-nice 'roach - it probably came up with my laundry, or through the window that I'd left open when I went to bed, or through the newly-created hole in the bathroom wall where my cabinet had previously hung (it fell onto me - not fun). So, after that incident, I've been doubly careful to make sure everything's in its proper place.

Anyway, but it's quite amusing. During the past week, I've cleaned - nay, scrubbed - my bathroom three times, cleaned dishes that didn't need cleaning, semi-organized my closet, and hand-washed a bathroom rug and jeans that leak colour. I've also been cooking regularly.

I never used to make pilaf, for some reason - but I recently discovered the wonders of making this rice dish. It's probably one of the most versatile and easy dishes to cook. Also, it's great if you have no food in the fridge. I'm leaving the city in a couple days, and haven't bothered to go grocery shopping. The other day, I made a kidney beans/lentils/carrots version. Today, it's rice with a bunch of different spices. There's something amazing about slow cooking the food. Heat up some oil, cook your spices (today: cumin, mustard seeds, cardamom, cinnamon, chilli powder, turmeric, salt), add rice, coat rice with oil/spices, add some hot water, garnish (curry leaves, lemon, ghee) and cover. And then slow cook until the water is absorbed and the rice has cooked. The smell that wafts out is truly amazing.

Mmmm. Looking forward to lunch.

Now. Back to Iqbal and studying for this exam. I'll be DONE with my first year of grad school, and my Required course work in 9 hours!



salu said...

i let my wife try your rice-recipe for todays supper as i was reading your whiffing blog while she enquired me what for tonight. No time i waste to be at luncheon table ...thanks for helping us from today's quagmire ....

NaBz said...

Hi Salu,

Hope it turned out well!

N :)