Sunday, 17 January 2010

Wisdom from the Garden - Shalimar That Is...

Shalimar has a blog. He's not called Shalimar on the blog. But too bad Shalimar. As cool as your name is, I like Shalimar.

Anyway. As I was leaving Home, Shalimar called. I'd been depressed the night before and had frantically texted him (I would've called but I was worried he'd be sleeping. Even though I'm an insomniac, I don't assume that everyone else is) wondering if what I was feeling was normal. He assured me that I was indeed normal (thank God), and told me to go to bed - which I did, eventually.

So the night I was leaving, Shalimar gave me some advice. Advice that I actually listened to (I don't listen to most people - only a handful: i.e. Shalimar, Yogi, Sorella, Burnsy, BKScope and my parents). He said, it's hard leaving anything you're attached to. You're finding it really hard right now because you're leaving people you're really close to, but you'll find it hard leaving NYC when you have to in a couple months as well. The degree of sadness is what's going to be different.

He's right. I remember leaving NYC in December and being sad to have to go back to a certain way of life. I think I even blogged about it.

Anyway. Back to cleaning the fridge.


Anonymous said...

Shalimar, Yogi, Sorella, Burnsy, & BKScope. Who these people?

NaBz said...

Just the most important people in my life...