Saturday, 16 May 2009

Life in Slow Motion...

Life is so slow these days. Don't get me wrong; I'm not complaining. In fact, I've been enjoying my slow wanderings around the house and the city. Apparently, I no longer have my head in the clouds (or up in the white tower) these days either. While the hopeful academic in me is somewhat disappointed by that observation, I'm not that concerned about my brain being turned off for a while. It's been in fourth-gear for way too long.

The past few weeks have definitely been interesting. I'm continuously amazed at how much has changed in my life in just this short period of time since the end of exams. I knew that the end of this degree would be momentous; that it would be so life-changing - I had no idea. Now that I'm not worried about grades, working my @$$ off so that I can get into grad school (fingers crossed), going to work so I can pay my tuition and finishing all my extra-curricular projects by their deadlines, I have much more time to reflect on and to look at the changes happening in my life - and I'm fascinated by how, in the heat of the moment, one can lose (and gain) so much more than what one had anticipated losing (and gaining). It's as if the entire world has slowed down and is letting me watch it go by in slow-motion.

Being used to weeks that feel like days, I love it.

Next post will be less about me + feelings, and more about something interesting - outcome of the Indian elections perhaps...