Sunday, 4 December 2011

Honey, I'm "Home"

Well hello there all of you,

It's been a while (and that's an understatement) since I last posted anything of note. There are reasons for my absence, many reasons, the most important of which being my having so much to say but no idea how to say it. It's been a - well - difficult six months. Leaving New York and moving back to Vancouver has been nothing at all like I expected it to be. I'm no longer living with the family, things at home have changed drastically in the two years I've been away (additions, subtractions, that sort of thing), and I've changed. Making the transition from school to work has been harder than I thought it'd be. I miss school, and am perpetually worried that my brain will lose its intellectual agility, all the knowledge it's amassed, and all those things.

But enough of this emotional nonsense.

I'm back, and will be actually writing regularly. Stay tuned for posts on anything from Indian politics (definitely Not feeling the Indian politics love right now) to Urdu poetry to general ramblings about my new not-so-new life on the West Coast.

Till then,


ps - to be born again, first you must die.

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