Thursday, 25 March 2010

Things Fall Apart?

Chinua Achebe is wrong. Things don't fall apart. We let them fall apart, through inaction, through waiting on the other party to fix it, through not understanding the issues, through letting our egos get in the way, through not understanding that our lives are ours and that we have the capacity to make it, break it, be it, do it, lose it, gain it, accomplish it, ruin it, love it, hate it, better it, worsen it, understand it, not understand it, pretend to understand it, not pretend to understand it, take the high ground, sit on the low ground, blame others, not blame ourselves, remain silent, be vocal...and everything else that we can do and not do.

I don't get it. I really don't. You can't hide things; you never can. People are always going to see it whether you want them to or not. And even if they're not connected to the people, they're still going to see it. It comes across. In the way you don't talk. In the way you don't act.

People forget that inaction is also action.

Praying, or hoping, that the day doesn't come on which we curse ourselves for our act of inaction. Iqbal was right. We die when we stop acting. And from our deaths arise a myriad of others, who will eventually take our place among the dead.

Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death

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