So, I've been sitting now for about 10 minutes deciding what to write about next. I've thought about copying some of TS Eliot's brilliance from The Waste Land or from The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock but I don't think it'll fit in that well with this particular post. I've also debated writing about my adventures downtown and looking for a bus stop, but it's a bit boring now - although I found it quite amusing when it happened. I could also speak about my odd dreams - the bombings in Afghanistan, the gay friend looking for Indian-style crackers, thinking my car was on fire - but then, people might analyze them, and I don't want them to. Why? Read the first paragraph.
I think I'll leave this blog with a thought - one that I realized while working with some truly amazing kids at an elementary school this past week. Often, we 'big kids' tend to measure our accomplishments in terms of the recognition we get or the money we earn. And we forget about the smaller accomplishments, the ones that were important to us when we were young.
Often, the best measure of an accomplishment is the size of a child's smile, not the end product.
That's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and be born again first you must die