Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Trisharana - the three refuges - 3

And sometimes life hits you on the head with a club and instead of becoming unconscious you gain the consciousness that you had lost a long time ago.

my head hurts but I refuse to take aspirin or tylenol or any other refuge from the pain

that's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and remember...to be born again first you must die


Saturday, 27 January 2007

Happy Anniversary

Well..it's been two months since I started rambling on the magical and fantastical - at times - world of Selfistan that I live in and it's been an 'interesting' (for lack of a better word) experience. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, perhaps the first one, I don't generally write blogs or diaries - and when I've attempted to do so, I've failed horribly.

But, that being said, it's been two months and I'm still at it, and have been writing relatively regularly - which is impressive, for me. And, honestly, I kind of enjoy it. Writing odd things that some people don't get, posting random sayings that people agree/disagree with and then write comments, rambling about my life, ranting about things I cannot stand - it's been fun, definitely.

I guess, Selfistan has allowed me to become more introspective, has allowed me to ponder about 'me' and about 'existence' and about all the other varied questions I have about life and everything that comes with it. As two months of Ramblings from Selfistan and two decades of my fledgling life come to a close, I can only hope that both continue, uninterrupted, for a long time. If I get bored of the first, I've only to stop writing. And hopefully, the first will dissuade me from getting bored with the second. But, having read the stuff in here, you've probably figured out that getting bored and annoyed with the second will take a long time.

I'm pretty good at amusing myself (post #3 i think).

Anyway, back to readings on Kashmir and the first Indo-Pak war. But before that, ponder this wonderful quote by Marcel Proust.

Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu'on a perdus.
True paradise is the one that you have lost.

That's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and remember...to be born again, first you must die

Monday, 22 January 2007

templates and html...

Soooooo...i luv blogger - it's easy to use...but u can't customize your blog enough. I like this dots template..it's cool but one can't put a picture as a header which sux cuz i have one that i want to use :( I managed to get the to be born again first you must die running script up and running but this pic thing is eluding me

if anyone knows how....help? i tried looking at html tutorials on the web, but all of the tags need URLs...and the pic is on my laptop...hmm

well...until that's up and running..here's the pic...i made it...haha

That's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and remember...to be born again first you must die


Sunday, 21 January 2007

Dvitiya - Number 2

if we attain immortality, do we cease to be alive?

Life and death cannot exist without one another. The concept of life depends on the fact that we can die. Just as we need woman to know what man is, we need life to know death - and vice versa.

So if I or you or we become immortal, we lose death. And if we lose death and the concept of death, we also lose life.

When I or you or we become immortal, we stop living. If we weren't immortal and we stopped living we would die. So what happens when we become immortal? Do we enter another state of being? Do we become ghosts - neither alive nor dead?

That's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and remember...to be born again first you must die

Saturday, 20 January 2007

Pissed-off Selfistani

this world is so freakingly hypocritical it pisses me off like seriously I hate it not the world but just the constant hypocrisy around me around us around everyone and it continually perpetuates into our daily existence when we least expect it and when we least need it

over the years i've found that people say one thing and mean another will believe one thing but do another like seriously people have u no respect for consistency do you feel it is necessary to do that which is opposite to what u believe what u say all the time? how can u believe one thing and do another? how can you feel one thing but express another? how can u be someone and live like another? how can you live with yourself and not be true to the real you? how can you stand this hypocrisy and assist it in its take-over of our lives? do you even think it is a problem?

damn you world
you're already damned

I, Nabz, citizen of Selfistan am horrified am angered am saddened at the state of us humans at our continued degeneration into things without feeling things that are governed not by our beliefs and morals but by the opinions of others - others who ordinarily should have no right to govern you to trap you in their web of hypocrisy - what happened to the idea of beliefs and morals have we become so devoid of feeling of ehsaas that we cannot distinguish what is right and wrong for ourselves that we have to rely on others to give us meanings for these concepts which should be at the core of our being...

think people think
and someone...please stand up

that's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and remember...to be born again first you must die


Friday, 19 January 2007

Al-Haq: truth, right, god...

that which is truth
that which is one's right

Baba Bulleh Shah - a Sufi poet of the 17th century. Much of his work has been performed as song - check-out Rabbi Shergill's Bullah Ki Jaana - the following is a translation of this famous work.

I know not who I am.
I am neither a believer going to the mosque,
Nor given to non-believing ways,
Neither clean nor unclean,
Neither Moses nor Pharaoh,
I know not who I am.
I am neither among sinners nor among saints,
Neither happy nor unhappy,
I belong neither to water nor to earth,
I am neither fire nor air,
I know not who I am.
Neither do I know the secret of religion,
Nor am I born of Adam and Eve,
I have given myself no name,
I belong to neither those who squat and pray,
Nor to those who have gone astray,
I know not who I am.
I was in the beginning, I will be there in the end,
I know not any one but the One,
Who could be wiser than Bulleh Shah,
Whose Master is ever there to tend,
I know not who I am.

That's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and remember...to be born again first you must die


Thursday, 18 January 2007

Adam - the First

and sometimes all you can do is nothing

Thus starts the section that I shall call "Selfistanic Eruption" - an assortment of sayings from Selfistan that seem to erupt and rise up from the depths of the land. I call this post Adam - in honour of the firstborn, if indeed he was the firstborn. I'm areligious, not necessary aspiritual, so please don't read into this Adam-ness.

That's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and remember...to be born again first you must die


Saturday, 13 January 2007

The State of the World

So..i'm at the UBC Model United Nations at the moment, going through a roll call in the UN Security Council...It's actually not as nerdy as it sounds...today is the penultimate day of the conference and so far, we have attempted to solve the crisis in Darfur by passing two resolutions - one on the creation of a UN Mission in Chad (sponsored and written by your's truly - the honorable delegate from France) and one on the holding of a peace summit b/w the AU, Govt of Natl Unity, all rebel groups and the UN. We are currently in a state of crisis - with 7 NATO members having been attacked by female child soldiers, most of whom have a connection with the middle east...

this delegate of France, along with other fellow NATO members on the UNSC has been trying (in vain...rite now) to get NATO to invoke article 5..perhaps, our countries are being too belligerent...perhaps they need to, seeing that the attack on the French ship in the Malaccan Straits has caused global panic on the attack's impact on the global economy...

So what is the state of the world? assuming that the countries on the UNSC have been adequately following their respective foreign policies (which France believes has been done, except by 2 veto members - at times), the countries of the world are willing and desirous to work together to find a solution to the conflicts at hand...although solutions to humanitarian problems are a necessity for most countries on the UNSC, economic interests will not be endangered by any country...having said that, if resolutions are worded in a way that puts pressure on a country to alleviate humanitarian problems and does not hinder or decrease the economic interests of a country, nation-states will pass the resolution with pleasure and those with interests will abstain from taking a side..

blocs still exist and western nations are more keen to utilize them than their eastern counterparts...which, at least over the weekend, caused great consternation when this delegate and others went to the North Atlantic Council for an extended period of time. Countries such as China and Russia are still wary of the Western bloc's intentions, and the Western bloc is worried about those two countries' commitment to global security.

The world..it seems...especially from this simulation of the United Nations...is willing to come together during situations that do or will have an impact on the entire world. Many, if not most, countries still have doubts about the commitment of 'the other side', but are willing to test the waters and, if warm, to jump in. Yes, conflicts are occuring around the globe and many of them negatively affect our world, but it is time that attention is directed away from these conflicts, towards the coming together of powerful nations...

to this point, most of the attention that we devote to global issues has been negative...it is now time to look at the positivity abounding on the global stage.

that's it for now...ciao, adios, au revoir...and remember...to be born again first you must die


(ps...much of this was written during UBCMUN 07 - but only the first line was written during actual committee session...it was too interesting to allow my attention to wander to Selfistan)

Monday, 1 January 2007


the shadows of the white light have
reached the apex of the golden dome
casting gloom on the crying people below
as the call to prayer sings its aweing tune
the solemn cry of a vulture is heard

the feast of angels has be

MAY 2007 BE

That's it for now...remember...to be born again, first you must die


(remember...hakka noodles...)